“If you would like to do something amazing for your body, work with Chris! I was new to Pilates and have trained with Chris for almost a year now. She uses her expertise and dedication to classical Pilates to tailor each session to stretch and strengthen me where I need it most.” – Gillian G.

“My sister and I found Chris to help us in our postpartum recovery. She has been absolutely amazing! We have seen her for about 4 months and we feel stronger, more confident, and definitely have made great progress in healing our cores.” – Becky W.

“I had a pretty bad sleep issue, except Tuesday night when I usually have class on that day. My muscles got fully relaxed and stretched. It is a kind of energy from my own body.” – Xin Yu

“I have been a Pilates student for the past 12 years at various studios. I would rush through my workouts and was always in discomfort. Then I met Chris who truly inspired me, showed me how to take my time, and move my body slowly and with rhythm, and how to move without pain.”– Linda H.

“I had wrist issues and pain in my body due to overworking it at the gym. Chris has managed to help me use my body to help strengthen areas so I can move easier and with less pain. She has such passion and knowledge of the human body.” – Barbara P.
